
Fraud Score

What is a Fraud Score?

A Fraud Score is an informational tool that helps you gauge risk involved with orders before processing. This is done by identifying traits and historical trends associated with suspicious behavior and fraudulent orders. This process is commonly used across businesses, as they try to detect fraud in their transactions to avoid major profit losses. Fraud detection is applied to many industries like banking, insurance, and e-commerce. With so much at stake and so many variables changing, it's vital to have a real-time monitoring system for fraud.

The Score Model

At, we build custom machine learning models, leveraging patent-pending methodologies. In other words, we are determined to solve the unique and nuanced problems of each client, and develop a unique fraud score for each transaction.

Fraud Score Infographic
  • The Score Model provides a risk score of 1-99 to every event or transaction. In short, this score indicates the relative risk of fraud.
  • Based on the score, each event is segmented into one of 5 risk levels:
    • Very Low Risk (0 - 9): Lowest possibility of fraud.
    • Low Risk (10 - 49): Low possibility of fraud, but may include false negatives (risk).
    • Medium Risk (50 - 69): No strong indication of positive or negative outcome.
    • High Risk (70 - 89): High possibility of fraud, but may include false positives.
    • Very High Risk (90 - 99): Highest possibility of fraud.

Using this method, clients are able to prioritize reviews of transactions based on risk. Thus, businesses can take real action based on risk group to reduce queue size and optimize investigator or review agents’ time.

Assess Risks Quickly and Efficiently

Deep in the terabytes of data your organization produces every day lie hidden, potentially game-changing, insights.Using modern technology, unifying data and extracting intelligence is now possible. Consequently, assessing risks and saving businesses money has never been easier with the rise of AI.Above all else, making sure your business is protected at all times is paramount.Contact to schedule a demo of our end-to-end anti-fraud prevention system or a free fraud analysis. Start mitigating insider fraud risks today.

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