Video eBook: The New Normal for Cybercrime

By Staff Writer

Fraud in the COVID Era

COVID-19 not only destabilized world economies but also drove everyone online. The rapid adoption of digitization coupled with economic and health fears has created the perfect opportunity for online opportunists to enact their COVID fraud schemes. Now more than ever, corporations and individuals need robust fraud prevention to combat increasingly complex threats.

Fortunately, has developed one of the most robust AI-based anti-fraud platforms to protect all the most vulnerable points, including login, emails, transactions, and applications, to help in your fight against COVID fraud.

covid fraud schemes

In this 12-minute free video, learn:

  • Why economic challenges lead to more fraud
  • What contributed to the growth of fraud during the pandemic
  • The long-term effects of COVID
  • Prevention strategies for COVID fraud schemes
  • and more...

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