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Social Media Intelligence

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The Solution

Social media offers unprecedented levels of connectedness and can also increase certainty and consistency when confirming the authenticity of a transaction.

Today, social media sites offer unprecedented levels of connectedness for groups of people with common interests across the world. They also offer obvious benefits to anti-fraud programs. A social media component can ensure extra layers of certainty and consistency when confirming the authenticity of a transaction. 

Social Media Tracking


variables appended to your transactions
to fuel the algorithms’ accuracy


features are created & analyzed by our
deep learning models.

$14.7 Trillion

in new value will be won by 2030
by AI’s early adopters. Don’t lose out.


Real-Time Protection

Flexible and modular verification is necessary to enable merchants to confirm a user’s identity, order details, and purchasing methods.

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Frictionless Commerce

Advanced technology enables organizations to test ‘intelligent’ commerce’ by thrilling customers with even greater convenience and speed.

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Anomaly Detection

A big part of building a threat intelligence program is identifying anomalies quickly, with certainty, and auto-triggering counter-measures.

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Early Warning System

Secure your websites and mobile apps. Be alerted of attacks as they happen, on your site and across the network.

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Social Media Insights

Sophisticated fraudsters also increasingly use publicly-available information scraped from social media sites to facilitate account takeovers and are growing millions of synthetic social profiles to help launch fraud attacks in the coming years. can include social media profiles to help merchants make more informed decisions about suspicious transactions while also identifying those profiles that are highly likely to be synthetic or compromised.

friend wheel visual
Group of people busy working

Make Better Decisions

Professional fraud rings have long been attacking merchants, shipping high-value goods to vacant homes, changing neighborhoods and IPs to circumvent existing detection efforts.

Professionals and opportunists can both be quickly exposed using machine learning, collective intelligence and ‘linked-entity’ analyses, all available in’s real-time enterprise detection and analytics platform.